
Transform your

Google sheet in API


transform your spreadsheets in secure and powerful JSON APIs

and prototype your ideas faster.

Let's get started!

No credit-card required. Start right-away.

APIsheet - Transform your Google sheet in API | Product Hunt
spreadsheet with artist, albums, and year

Secure by nature

  • Requires only minimal privileges.

  • Does not store your spreadsheet data.

Easy to use

  • HTTP Restful JSON API.

  • Create an API in 2 clicks.


  • Fast developer support.

  • Build by and for developers.

oh and there is also a generous free plan ๐Ÿš€

Use cases.


Collect leads and forms directly in spreadsheets

Connect your HTML forms with APIsheet in minutes and get your lead data directly in a spreadsheet. No external database, no backend required.


Offer your clients the easiest possible CMS

Populate website content via spreadsheet. From images to menus, to locations. Serve anything and edit anything the easiest way possible.


Prototype with a lightweight database

Build your prototype with real application data using a spreadsheet. Create, read, and update data with few lines of code and without backend.

Bring your spreadsheets to the world.


Activate/deactivate endpoints

Control what API endpoints you need precisely. Be it a read-only for a CMS-like API or a write-only for an HTML forms backend. For every scenario, you can enable or disable endpoints: read, create, update, and delete endpoints.

Access authentication

Keep your API and your data secured with authentication. Secure your API with basic or token authentication and prevent illegitimate access to your endpoints and data.


API settings

Fine tune your API requirements with whitelist (for server applications) and CORS origins (for web applications).

Need something more?

APIsheet is built by developers for developers.

I would be happy to hear about your feature requests!


Start for free and upgrade when you want. Cancel anytime.

Save 2 months


2 spreadsheets

1k requests/month




10 spreadsheets

100k requests/month

Help with integration

IP whitelist




50 spreadsheets

1M requests/month

Help with integration

IP whitelist


Priority Support


Included in all plans

Create, read, update, delete API

Inteligent caching

Permissions and authorization

Usage chart



Hello there! ๐Ÿ‘‹

I'm Martin, APIsheet.io builder. I want to provide you with the best tool to transform your spreadsheets into APIs.

It does not matter if you want to prototype your ideas or use your spreadsheets as a lightweight database. I hope you find APIsheet a valuable tool.

Get started with APIsheet for free!

Build something amazing today.

Let's get started!

ยฉ 2023 apisheet.io
